Opinion: The Debate the Left Has Forced on Us: Freedom vs. the Truth
David Avella David Avella

Opinion: The Debate the Left Has Forced on Us: Freedom vs. the Truth

We are a Democratic Republic. Have been since 1789. What should be more important – the freedom to put forward your point of view or someone deciding if that opinion is true or not? That is the crossroads where we find ourselves today. For anyone who claims to be a conservative, this should not be a tough choice, not to mention concerning this is even a debate. Any way you slice it, freedom beats the truth police every time.

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Opinion: Americans Don’t Have To Live In The Dark
David Avella David Avella

Opinion: Americans Don’t Have To Live In The Dark

Can you imagine an America where we are given specific times to heat water, charge our mobile device, or cool our home? As recently as this past February, 14 states required energy companies to start controlled rolling cutoffs of electric service because the demand for power was overwhelming the available generation. In simple terms, rolling blackouts put Americans in the dark without power.

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Opinion: What if the Biden Administration actually encouraged people to find work?
David Avella David Avella

Opinion: What if the Biden Administration actually encouraged people to find work?

President Biden and the Democrats appear so locked into their liberal narrative of the world, they refuse to even consider facts that are in infinite supply and easy to find. For a group so dedicated to insisting we follow the data, it all is a little bewildering. One thing is for sure, our great nation is suffering because of their liberal policies and approach.

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Opinion: Woke Is Broke and Costing Democrats
David Avella David Avella

Opinion: Woke Is Broke and Costing Democrats

We are in the first month of 2022, and, from every sign, it appears my Democratic friends are determined to stick to their guns when it comes to both their agenda and how they intend to sell it. In other words, America has not heard the last of the Woke Police.

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